PERSONA – Seis peças numa
/ PERSONA – Six plays in one
Representação pelos alunos
do Curso Profissional de Artes do Espectáculo (Interpretação), 12.º ano – turma
13, da Escola Secundária D. Pedro V, Lisboa, no dia 3 de Abril de 2014. Encenação de
Victor Sezinando.
Após três anos de grande dedicação e
trabalho, mais um grupo de alunos (12.º 13) do Curso Profissional de Artes do
Espectáculo (Interpretação) está prestes a terminar a sua formação inicial
nesta área e manifestamente aptos a prosseguir o seu caminho. Porém, antes do
final (no mês de Julho), ainda terão de preparar as suas P.A.P. (Prova de
Aptidão Profissional) e mostrar os seus talentos individualmente.
O espectáculo Persona, com que nos
presentearam no final do 2.º período (3/4/2014), foi uma espécie de longa
despedida que deixou no olhar o trave de saber a pouco. Mas foi também uma
convincente demonstração do talento, trabalho e ecletismo destes jovens
O espectáculo Persona, concebido e encenado por Victor Sezinando, é uma espécie
de colagem de seis peças diferentes, percorrendo caminhos tão díspares como o
da tragédia clássica (Édipo de
Sófocles), a tragédia shakespeariana (Macbeth),
o auto vicentino (Auto da Barca do
Inferno), a comédia de Molière (O
Avarento) ou a comédia popular contemporânea (A Ópera dos Pobres, teatro de revista e Nelo e Dália, sketch de
Herman José).
Este espectáculo permitiu ao espectador
deambular por mundos muito distintos e partilhar um leque de emoções e
vivências humanas que são quase um retrato completo do mundo. Como diria D.
Francisco Manuel de Melo (1608-1666), “o Mundo é comédia”, mas é também sonho e
ilusão, como diria Calderón de la Barca (1600-1681), fantasia e tragédia.
ÉDIPO REI (Sófocles, cerca de 427
Em Édipo
sentimos pairar a mão implacável do destino (fatum), seja ele o que for. A trama sinuosa das circunstâncias está
montada e a vontade humana nada pode alterar nem vislumbrar a catástrofe e a
dor que se escondem algures no futuro. O parricídio ou o incesto não são escolhas
livres, são fatalidades pré-determinadas. Perante as circunstâncias, que
escapam às escolhas humanas conscientes, e conduzem a um desenlace fatal, somos
obrigados a questionar-nos sobre o verdadeiro sentido e os limites do livre
arbítrio. O que posso escolher? Até onde posso escolher e moldar o meu destino?
As circunstâncias são afinal a mão concreta e hercúlea do destino, um fatum que é simultaneamente metafísico e
bem real. E a tomada de consciência da verdade é afinal a principal e
verdadeira tragédia. Tão trágico como não ter a liberdade de fazer uma
verdadeira escolha é a descoberta da verdade oculta. A dor final e aniquiladora
não é apenas provocada pelos actos cometidos, mas também pela consciência de
que essa dor é tão inapagável como a realidade consumada.
A este propósito escrevi no vídeo que
ilustra este post:
«A dor mais profunda vive
nas mãos poderosas do impossível. Impossível cegar os olhos da mente. Impossível
apagar a dor. A realidade não pode ser desfeita…»
Quando as emoções são tão importantes como
as acções, como é o caso de Édipo, a expressão facial e do olhar são ainda mais
relevantes. Os jovens intérpretes souberam transmitir, de modo natural e
genuíno, a profundidade e intensidade das emoções das personagens que lhes
couberam. E moveram-se num palco, adequadamente negro e quase despojado de
adereços, como se carregassem sobre os próprios ombros o peso invisível de um
destino inelutável. Será que tudo isto é aprendido e ensaiado? Creio que uma
grande parte vem lá de dentro. Cada ser é muitos seres e o actor, tal como o
poeta, é ainda mais… Afinal, é isso mesmo que é ser “persona”…
Vicente, 1516)
Habitualmente a literatura escatológica
não provoca o riso. Mas o mestre Gil (Gil Vicente) não queria apenas falar da
morte, do julgamento das acções humanas ou do destino da alma. Queria falar
muito mais dos vivos do que dos mortos e queria fazê-lo de modo crítico e bem-humorado:
Ridendo castigat mores / Rindo se
castigam os costumes. Crítica e humor, os dois ingredientes fundamentais da
sátira vicentina, estão bem presentes neste auto alegórico, também catalogado
como auto de moralidade.
Da galeria de tipos sociais e morais que
chegam às margens do rio do tempo e do esquecimento para embarcar com o Diabo
ou o Anjo, vimos e rimos com o Parvo (que é mais um tipo psicológico marcado
pelo cómico de palavra), o Frade pouco devoto e muito amigo de raparigas e
Brízida Vaz, a desabrida e astuta agente da prostituição.
fleuma irónica do Diabo foi quase delirante e a expressão corporal, e sobretudo
facial, do Parvo mostrou bem que de Parvo pouco tinha, sobretudo na contracena
com o Diabo e Brízida Vaz. O Diabo surge como um observador omnisciente e
convicto que sabe de antemão quem irá parar à sua barca. O fato vermelho
aveludado ficava-lhe “a matar” e matou, sem apelo nem agravo, as esperanças de
lhe escaparem o Frade folião e a profissional da sedução. O Parvo abriga-se,
quer perante o Diabo quer perante o Anjo, sob a sua relativa idiotice. É um
espírito simples que percebe do mundo o essencial e julga ele mesmo, na sua
livre simplicidade e linguagem grosseira, os actos dos que são aparentemente
sãos e equilibrados. O Anjo, coberto pela imaculada brancura das suas vestes,
manteve o ar solene, distante, quase indiferente perante Brízida Vaz e o Frade,
mas deixou assomar um condescendente e bondoso sorriso quando se dirigiu ao
Parvo. Há por aí muitos Parvos de natureza bem diferente. Para os tornar
personagens de teatro, o mestre Gil teria de criar um Parvo bem diferente, um
espertalhaço vigarista que apenas se faz passar por parvo quando é julgado
pelos seus actos.
MACBETH (Shakespeare, 1.ª ed. 1623)
O fatum
está presente de novo, mas aqui a desmedida ambição e o livre arbítrio são os
verdadeiros tecelões da tragédia. A ambição de poder traz mais do que poder.
Traz consigo um rasto de morte que culminará no suicídio de Lady Macbeth,
aparentemente uma das instigadoras da violência e da desgraça. O suicídio, não
revelado objectivamente, antes adivinhado pelo espectador, surge como uma
autopunição, um derradeiro acto de consciência que nada poderá apagar ou
O único sentimento puro e profundo de
Macbeth, o amor pela mulher, e a dor pela sua perda, não o conduz, porém a
nenhum acto de consciência. Perante as atrocidades cometidas, não sente
qualquer arrependimento. Antes, revela a revolta contra a falta de sentido da
própria vida que, num ápice, lhe rouba a glória, o poder e a mulher amada. A
falta de sentido da vida que descobre subitamente e denuncia com raiva e
amargura é afinal o resultado da consciência da perda. O único verdadeiro acto
de consciência provém do amor, que resistiu e persistiu por entre a trama das
mortes que lhe ensanguentam as mãos mas não a consciência. O que lhe parece
injusto e absurdo é a perda da mulher amada, não os actos hediondos cometidos.
As palavras proferidas por Macbeth, após
ter conhecimento da morte da mulher, são provavelmente a melhor síntese de toda
a peça, palavras imbuídas de um niilismo e uma angústia existencial
«She should have
died hereafter.
There would have been a time for such a word.
Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day
To the last syllable of recorded time.
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle.
Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.»
There would have been a time for such a word.
Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day
To the last syllable of recorded time.
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle.
Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.»
«Ela deveria ter morrido
mais tarde.
Teria havido um tempo para
tal palavra.
Amanhã, e amanhã, e amanhã
Rasteja nestes passos
insignificantes dia após dia
Até à última sílaba do
tempo existido.
E todos os nossos ontens
iluminaram o caminho
Dos tolos para o pó da
morte. Apaga-te, apaga-te, vela efémera.
A vida é apenas uma sombra
errante, um pobre actor
Que suporta e desgasta a sua
hora em cima do palco,
E depois não é mais
ouvido. É uma história
Contada por um idiota,
cheia de som e fúria,
Sem significado algum.»
(tradução imperfeita e livre
feita por mim mesma)
Macbeth, a peça maldita,
que alguns nem ousam nomear ou representar, não é fácil nem para os actores
mais experientes. Por isso mesmo, foi ainda mais surpreendente ver a maturidade
com os jovens intérpretes vestiram sem medo ou artificialidade a pele humana
destes seres amoralmente densos, implacáveis e frágeis ao mesmo tempo.
O AVARENTO (Molière, 1668)
O apego doentio aos bens materiais de um
velho mesquinho (Harpagon), que desconfia de tudo e todos, incluindo dos
próprios filhos (Cléante e Élise), gera uma série de peripécias e conflitos de
que, nesta representação, vimos um apontamento significativo. No rosto do
actor, vimos a desconfiança, a raiva e a cólera, o ensimesmamento e o egoísmo,
a teimosia inflexível e a crueza da ganância. O deambular nervoso pelo palco, a
morte metafórica causada pela perda material (o cofre cheio de ouro) e a súbita
ressurreição, operada pela sua recuperação e outros proventos materiais,
mostram acima de tudo como o materialismo e o egoísmo extremos apenas conduzem
ao deserto da solidão.
No final, a anagnórise conduz ao
reencontro de uma família separada pelo infortúnio (o naufrágio muitos anos
antes) e o amor vence todas as adversidades. Harpagon perde tudo, excepto o
dinheiro. Até o interesse que nutre por Mariane (verdadeiramente amada por seu
filho Cléante) é apenas mais um lance num jogo puramente material; tudo pode
ser comprado e possuído… Pura ilusão! Nem a consciência, nem a liberdade, nem
os afectos podem ser comprados ou possuídos porque a sua essência nada tem de
Outra ilusão cai por terra antes do
desenlace. As classes sociais não se apagam facilmente, nem mesmo numa trama
teatral. O palco apenas imita a vida e há ideais e sonhos que nem no palco perduram
por muito tempo. O criado (Valère) e Mariane (a rapariga supostamente órfã) são
afinal irmãos, nobres e ricos. E aqueles que foram “felizes para sempre”, se é
que o foram, foram-no apenas no seu reduto social. O regresso à sua condição
social inicial não surge como um acto de justiça, antes como uma afirmação de
que a estratificação social é tendencialmente inalterável.
Do desempenho dos actores, pode dizer-se
que conseguiram transmitir todas as ideias sérias que se escondem sob a comédia
sem deixarem de nos fazer sorrir.
revista à portuguesa)
NELO E DÁLIA (sketch
the Herman José)
modesta atmosfera kitsch envolve os
dois pares que conversam alternadamente em dois pontos do palco. Em ambos os
casos, desmonta-se o ridículo ingénuo ou pretensioso das máscaras que separam o
parecer do ser.
O casal que vai à ópera para ver/ouvir
Nabucodonosor, sem gostar e nada perceber de ópera, é apenas uma caricatura do
“ser” que não consegue “parecer”. São risíveis aquelas personagens, mas também
comoventes. Não conseguem nem podem deixar de ser quem são. São, por isso mesmo,
genuínos e humanos. São como cegos ofuscados por um esplendor que não podem
entender. A sua cegueira é de natureza social e cultural. A sua incultura não
lhes permite fruir verdadeiramente o que vêem e ouvem, por isso resta-lhes
apenas a tentativa tosca e infrutífera de parecer o que não são. Tentam imitar
poses e gestos estereotipados, usam máscaras cujo semblante e significado desconhecem;
resta-lhe ser quem são e ainda bem que são assim.
Um dos calcanhares de Aquiles da cultura,
dita erudita, é o excessivo convencionalismo e o hermetismo de que se reveste,
qual muralhas erguidas entre o cidadão comum e o génio do espírito criador. A
arte e acultura pertencem a todos. Quando a cultura dita erudita sair do seu
reduto e se despojar de artificialismos e formalismos, poderá chegar mais longe
ou mais perto. Poderá descer do seu pedestal e ocupar as ruas ou entrar nas
casas dos que a desconhecem.
Nos diálogos de Nelo e Dália, o ridículo é
desmascarado pela própria Dália, a mulher instruída e emancipada, que
constantemente corrige as barbaridades proferidas convicta e presunçosamente
por Nelo. Nelo é uma espécie de “opinador” profissional que tem sempre algo a
dizer sobre tudo e todos. Os seus juízos são quase sempre depreciativos e
fundados em argumentos que mais parecem caprichos petulantes. A incultura de
Nelo não é comovente precisamente por ser arrogante e histriónico. Dália tenta
sempre repor a verdade e clarificar as situações com informação objectiva e
argumentos que provêm sobretudo do bom senso. Dália é como uma persistente
professora que tenta ensinar um aluno que não quer aprender. Uma grande parte
do efeito cómico provém precisamente dessa tentativa infrutífera. Nelo é um
inculto vaidoso por opção e assim quer permanecer; prefere as suas opiniões
sarcásticas e estapafúrdias à informação e à cultura. É que aprender e saber dá
trabalho e Nelo é mais um ocioso e parasita centrado no seu umbigo. O mundo
começa e acaba nas suas opiniões ridículas.
Ambos os pares de jovens intérpretes que
contracenaram nestes sketches humorísticos
desempenharam irrepreensivelmente os seus papéis. Ao seu modo, fizeram-nos rir
e reflectir. No palco, deram corpo ao lema do mestre Gil (Ridendo castigat mores), personificando exemplarmente modos de ser
e viver em sociedade.
Tal como nos espectáculos anteriores a que
assisti, resta-me fazer a todos —jovens intérpretes e professores / encenadores
— a devida vénia e desejar-lhes toda a felicidade do mundo, sobre o palco e nos
caminhos da vida.
NOTA: Este grupo de alunos
(12.º 13) foi seleccionado no âmbito do festival de teatro PANOS para
representar a peça Eles São Mesmo Assim?,
de Lucinda Coxon, na Culturgest, no passado dia 17 de Maio. Não me surpreendeu
que tenham sido seleccionados entre mais de 30 grupos teatrais (escolas e
companhias de amadores). O grau de mestria da sua interpretação indiciava que
estariam certamente entre os melhores. Por esta razão, estão todos
redobradamente de parabéns.
Culturgest / Festival PANOS (Teatro D. Pedro V):
Link para o álbum de fotografias
Link para o álbum de fotografias
Persona - Six Plays in One, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014. Stage director: Victor Sezinando. Photography by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - Macbeth, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - Oedipus, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
photograph y by São
Persona - Six Plays In One - Oedipus, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - Oedipus, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - Oedipus, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - Oedipus, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - Oedipus, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - Oedipus, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - Oedipus, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - Play of the Ship of Hell, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph y by
São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - Play of the Ship of Hell, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - Play of the Ship of Hell, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - Play of the Ship of Hell, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - Play of the Ship of Hell, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - Play of the Ship of Hell, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - Play of the Ship of Hell, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - Play of the Ship of Hell, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - Play of the Ship of Hell, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - Play of the Ship of Hell, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - Play of the Ship of Hell, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - Play of the Ship of Hell, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - Play of the Ship of Hell, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - Play of the Ship of Hell, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - Play of the Ship of Hell, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - Play of the Ship of Hell, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - Play of the Ship of Hell, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - Play of the Ship of Hell, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - Play of the Ship of Hell, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - Play of the Ship of Hell, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - Play of the Ship of Hell, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - Play of the Ship of Hell, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - Play of the Ship of Hell, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - Opera of the Poor, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph y by São
Persona - Six Plays In One - Nelo and Dahlia, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph y by São
Persona - Six Plays In One - Opera of the Poor, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - Nelo and Dahlia, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - Opera of the Poor, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - Nelo and Dahlia, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - Nelo and Dahlia, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - Opera of the Poor, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - Opera of the Poor, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - Nelo and Dahlia, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - Nelo and Dahlia, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - Opera of the Poor, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - Opera of the Poor, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - Macbeth, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
photograph y by São
Persona - Six Plays In One - Macbeth, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - Macbeth, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - Macbeth, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - Macbeth, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - Macbeth, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - Macbeth, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - Macbeth, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - Macbeth, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - Macbeth, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - Macbeth, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - Macbeth, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - Macbeth, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - Macbeth, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - Macbeth, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - Macbeth, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - Macbeth, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - Macbeth, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - Macbeth, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - Macbeth, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - Macbeth, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - The Miser, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
photograph y by São
Persona - Six Plays In One - The Miser, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - The Miser, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - The Miser, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - The Miser, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - The Miser, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - The Miser, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - The Miser, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - The Miser, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - The Miser, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - The Miser, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - The Miser, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - The Miser, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - The Miser, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - The Miser, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - The Miser, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - The Miser, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - The Miser, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - The Miser, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - The Miser, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
photograph y by São
Persona - Six Plays In One, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
photograph y by São Ludovino.
Persona - Six Plays In One - Macbeth, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
Persona - Six Plays In One - Oedipus, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
Persona - Six Plays In One - Oedipus, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
Persona - Six Plays In One - Oedipus, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
Persona - Six Plays In One - Oedipus, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
Persona - Six Plays In One - Oedipus, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
Persona - Six Plays In One - Oedipus, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
Persona - Six Plays In One - Oedipus, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
Persona - Six Plays In One - Oedipus, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
Persona - Six Plays In One - Play of the Ship of Hell, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph
Persona - Six Plays In One - Play of the Ship of Hell, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph
Persona - Six Plays In One - Play of the Ship of Hell, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph
Persona - Six Plays In One - Play of the Ship of Hell, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph
Persona - Six Plays In One - Play of the Ship of Hell, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph
Persona - Six Plays In One - Play of the Ship of Hell, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph
Persona - Six Plays In One - Play of the Ship of Hell, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph
Persona - Six Plays In One - Play of the Ship of Hell, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph
Persona - Six Plays In One - Play of the Ship of Hell, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph
Persona - Six Plays In One - Play of the Ship of Hell, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph
Persona - Six Plays In One - Play of the Ship of Hell, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph
Persona - Six Plays In One - Play of the Ship of Hell, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph
Persona - Six Plays In One - Play of the Ship of Hell, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph
Persona - Six Plays In One - Play of the Ship of Hell, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph
Persona - Six Plays In One - Play of the Ship of Hell, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph
Persona - Six Plays In One - Play of the Ship of Hell, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph
Persona - Six Plays In One - Play of the Ship of Hell, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph
Persona - Six Plays In One - Play of the Ship of Hell, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph
Persona - Six Plays In One - Play of the Ship of Hell, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph
Persona - Six Plays In One - Play of the Ship of Hell, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph
Persona - Six Plays In One - Play of the Ship of Hell, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph
Persona - Six Plays In One - Play of the Ship of Hell, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph
Persona - Six Plays In One - Play of the Ship of Hell, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph
Persona - Six Plays In One - Opera of the Poor, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph
Persona - Six Plays In One - Nelo and Dahlia, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph
Persona - Six Plays In One - Opera of the Poor, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph
Persona - Six Plays In One - Nelo and Dahlia, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph
Persona - Six Plays In One - Opera of the Poor, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph
Persona - Six Plays In One - Nelo and Dahlia, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph
Persona - Six Plays In One - Nelo and Dahlia, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph
Persona - Six Plays In One - Opera of the Poor, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph
Persona - Six Plays In One - Opera of the Poor, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph
Persona - Six Plays In One - Nelo and Dahlia, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph
Persona - Six Plays In One - Nelo and Dahlia, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph
Persona - Six Plays In One - Opera of the Poor, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph
Persona - Six Plays In One - Opera of the Poor, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014, photograph
Persona - Six Plays In One - Macbeth, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
Persona - Six Plays In One - Macbeth, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
Persona - Six Plays In One - Macbeth, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
Persona - Six Plays In One - Macbeth, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
Persona - Six Plays In One - Macbeth, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
Persona - Six Plays In One - Macbeth, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
Persona - Six Plays In One - Macbeth, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
Persona - Six Plays In One - Macbeth, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
Persona - Six Plays In One - Macbeth, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
Persona - Six Plays In One - Macbeth, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
Persona - Six Plays In One - Macbeth, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
Persona - Six Plays In One - Macbeth, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
Persona - Six Plays In One - Macbeth, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
Persona - Six Plays In One - Macbeth, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
Persona - Six Plays In One - Macbeth, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
Persona - Six Plays In One - Macbeth, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
Persona - Six Plays In One - Macbeth, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
Persona - Six Plays In One - Macbeth, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
Persona - Six Plays In One - Macbeth, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
Persona - Six Plays In One - Macbeth, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
Persona - Six Plays In One - Macbeth, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
Persona - Six Plays In One - The Miser, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
Persona - Six Plays In One - The Miser, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
Persona - Six Plays In One - The Miser, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
Persona - Six Plays In One - The Miser, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
Persona - Six Plays In One - The Miser, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
Persona - Six Plays In One - The Miser, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
Persona - Six Plays In One - The Miser, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
Persona - Six Plays In One - The Miser, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
Persona - Six Plays In One - The Miser, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
Persona - Six Plays In One - The Miser, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
Persona - Six Plays In One - The Miser, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
Persona - Six Plays In One - The Miser, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
Persona - Six Plays In One - The Miser, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
Persona - Six Plays In One - The Miser, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
Persona - Six Plays In One - The Miser, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
Persona - Six Plays In One - The Miser, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
Persona - Six Plays In One - The Miser, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
Persona - Six Plays In One - The Miser, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
Persona - Six Plays In One - The Miser, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
Persona - Six Plays In One - The Miser, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
Persona - Six Plays In One, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
Persona - Six Plays In One, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
Persona - Six Plays In One, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,
Persona - Six Plays In One, played by the theatre students of the Secondary School D. Pedro V, Lisbon, Portugal, 3/4/2014,